Best Hospital Management Software in Bangladesh

MM IT SOFT LTD. offers the Best Hospital Management Software in Bangladesh. Streamline operations, manage patients, bills, scheduling & more with ease. Trusted by hospitals, clinics & diagnostic centers.


Savings from paperless operations


Savings from paperless operations


Savings from paperless operations

A hospital management system is a digital way of tackling management operations smoothly. We provide the best Hospital Management Software in Bangladesh. It’s a code with the highest quality, usability with the lowest maintenance & value. Many hospitals, clinics, diagnostic centres, nursing homes have trusted us and benefited from our software system. We provide a complete solution with modern features. We develop the software system in such a way that it becomes an interactive platform for the patients, doctors, and nurses, and hr team Not only that, we make it easy for other professionals related to your institutions. For example, there are different panels for super admin, admin, accountant, receptionists, and others. What can we help Hospital management system software? A hospital or medical centre has lots of more tasks a day. You can easily manage accounts tasks like Bills and payment, the patient admits, release patient, room service management, bloodstock checking, indoor-outdoor, managing the scheduling and so many others. Can I manage hospital management software all smoothly and flawlessly? We provide easy hospital management system and we design beautiful looking applications in such a way that it caters to all the requirements of all domains of a hospital.


Modules of Our Hospital Management Software Dashboard In-Patient Management Out-Patient Management Pharmacy Management Medical Investigations Lab Management Prescription HRM & Payroll Procurement CRM MIS Reports Commision Management Accounts & Finance Settings


Hospital Management Software Details Dashboard The hospital can manage total reports on a dashboard like e Billings and payment, the patient admits, release patient, room service management, blood Reports, commission, prescription, CRM, managing the scheduling and so many others. In-Patient Management Patient admission process, patient bed management, OT service, Laboratory, and other test compilation, Medicine department management, and control the doctor Visit and also manage patient bed transfer, price discount, discharge management, patient death and birth certificate of the baby. Out-Patient Management We offer the best OPM management module for Ticketing, Referring, contains, Patient Registration & department wise Appointment and other diagnostic tests, Doctors appointment and point, Medicine, OT control. Pharmacy Management Medicine Requisition, medicine receive, medicine Purchase order Creation, Return management, Daily Sales by day ID, Total OPM sales, credit sales accounting, supplier company listing and re-order level setup, various reports generate, Expenditure, and income calculation, create invoice and other necessary document creation. Lab Management Lab Management modules have important parts likes Service Category, Service Name, Invoice ID, Patient Name, Patient ID, Collection Status. In case the doctor requires an urgent lab test result Generates billing for both inpatients and outpatients Sends out SMS/email to patients when results are available to Maintain external laboratories. HRM & Payroll Employee schedule dividing, Leave management, Provident fund calculation, Loan and Advance management, employee daily Attendance, Salary processing, Promotion management, pension scheme management, employee dismiss, and other facilities. MIS Reports We provide a complete solution with modern features. Management information system report is one of the most important modules of our hospital management software. It allows for analyzing and monitoring of each department by the top management of the hospital. Settings It provides comprehensive data about Admission of Patients & Ward Management: complete hospital Employees and their time setup, Hospital service management, Availability of beds, Estimation, Agreement preparation, Collection of advance, planned admission, Emergency admission, and so on. Accounts & Finance Quik billing, Payment option, Billing Management used for maintaining transaction, contains Doctors Fees, Therapy Bill, Therapy Due Collection, MRI Bill, BMD Bill, Pathology Bill, Pathology Collection, OPD Bill, Indoor Advance, Indoor Final Settlement, Release Due Bill Collection.


Pricing Our Hospital Management Software negotiable If you need Custom Pricing Package Please call or Email our Business Development Section. We are waiting to hear from you Email: Phone: 88 013 18 300 906 Monthly Service and Subscription Cost: Monthly Service Cost include software subscription cost, dedicated support team cost, unlimited tale & live chat support. Payment Procedure: 100% Advance Payment Monthly or Yearly. Payment will goes to MM IT SOFT LTD. Accounts pay Cheque. bKash: 01318 300 901 bKash Merchant Account All Tax, Vat & Other Charge Excluded. MM IT SOFT LTD. Hotline: +88 01860 42 43 44 Marketing Department: +88 01318 300 906 Software Demo: +88 01810023393 Email: Website: